Leadership Skills: Tips to Improve Organisational Effectiveness

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Improve Organisational Effectiveness By Developing Your Leadership Skills

They say that any business is only as strong as its weakest link. It’s natural to come across challenges and have ups and downs in productivity. However, poor leadership is the one weakness your business cannot afford.

Hard-working employees and strong team leaders do represent major factors in any company’s organisational effectiveness. However, your leadership skills are equally essential for your long-term productivity, business reputation, and the culture you foster.

After all, your ability to run a business should go well beyond your ability to manage daily paperwork and simple supervision. As a leader, you need to be able to manage and reduce risk as much as possible. You also need to handle scalable growth, build a strong company culture based on collaboration, and keep your learning mindset.

The hard truth is, research from infoprolearning.com has shown that 84% of organisations expect fewer leaders in the next five years. Sadly, only 19% say they can develop good, strong leaders. If you see yourself as a leader, you need to step up your game and invest heavily in your own growth. Here are the key tips to help you boost the organisational effectiveness of your business by working on specific leadership skills.

Effective Listening Skills Are Essential

Communication is a key part of leadership. Depending on your business, your employees, and your expertise, you will need to invest more in one aspect of communication: listening. Being a good listener doesn’t mean just paying attention to what your employees are sharing with you. You need to spot subtle body language, tone of voice, and moments when someone needs a private meeting with you.

Listening extends beyond your office. Be ready to hear out industry experts who disagree with you, so that you can recognise growth opportunities. Actively asking for feedback from your teams allows you to hear what they have to say about your work.

Fostering a Learning Mindset

Learning is an essential part of leadership. Learn from your own organisation, to notice gaps in your performance, and use data to fuel your growth. Being a great leader also means following market trends as soon as they emerge. Another trait of good leaders is recognising the right learning investments for your business, yourself, and your employees.

Female leader in a library is learning from her laptop
A learning leader can enhance an organisation’s effectiveness


For example, your business can be much more efficient, and your teams’ work streamlined with automation. You also need to learn about the latest tech tools to help you meet those goals and enhance organisational effectiveness.

Reporting is one typical aspect of marketing on which entire businesses waste hours and too much manpower. Naturally, human error is all the higher for it. Leaders choose to integrate advanced reporting software in their organisation to allow greater marketing automation. This also reduces human error, and boost business productivity. You, need to recognise such potent solutions to improve your organisation and to help your employees thrive.

Building Discipline in Your Organisation

If your business is to run smoothly without your constant intervention, your employees need to be disciplined. When you’re hiring people, you will need to be sure that they can meet certain standards for your business, too. However, discipline is far from working ten-hour days or skipping lunch breaks. It’s about committing to their workload and being efficient, consistently meeting their daily and weekly goals.

  • Use project management tools that ensure business transparency, fair workload distribution, and clear, data-backed progress tracking. With clear tasks at hand, deadlines, and ample team support, each individual should be able to handle their work. This will help organisational effectiveness without you turning into a ‘helicopter’ leader.
  • Set up a clear code of conduct for all your teams. Expectations need to be clearly outlined for everyone working with your business.
  • Reward great performance and give support for those whose performance might be lagging. Of course, the sooner you discover the root issue, the easier it will be to boost productivity.

Don’t Forget to Delegate Assignments

A common misconception about leadership is that leaders need to oversee everything to ensure organisational effectiveness. In reality, strong leaders are capable of training their employees to handle core business operations while making sure that everyone has what they need. Learning how to delegate as a leader is a challenge few modern-day leaders tackle properly.

If you constantly keep taking over your teams’ tasks, they will feel underappreciated. They will think that you don’t trust them with their jobs. On the other hand, if you inspire them to commit to various responsibilities, and be proactive, then you build a culture of collaboration. As you slowly see your top priorities emerge, you’ll notice that your teams are more than capable to take over. This includes a range of assignments and thus contribute to organisational effectiveness organically.

Stability When Working Under Pressure

Even without employee conflict, the stress of leadership can be more than enough to push you over the edge. It’s more than just being able to resolve problems on the go and think on your feet.

Businessman sitting on chair with hands over his ears and looking at papers on floor is facing pressure
Great leaders know how to keep calm amidst the pressures that are a natural part of the role


It’s essential to preserve your mental health and emotional stability in emergencies, conflict, and stressful situations.

  • Avoid unrealistic optimism, but rather stick to realism in all circumstances. It will help you see the full scope of the situation at hand, thus allowing you to manage it better.
  • Create detailed, step-by-step action plans. When everyone knows what to do and what your expectations are. Any stressful situation will be resolved more quickly and efficiently without wreaking havoc on your overall business productivity.
  • Set clear goals for everyone, yourself included. Even though you’re the leader, you cannot take over the entire crisis and manage it by yourself. It’s necessary for everyone to take part, and for you to acknowledge their relevance. This is where your ability to delegate tasks will truly shine.

Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

Sometimes, the best of the best might not have the right people management skills to handle the stress of the job. Some of them might not handle constructive criticism well from other team members. It’s preferable for your teams to be able to resolve issues on the go without affecting their team’s overall productivity. However, how you handle conflict and tackle tense situations will set the tone for everyone under your wing.

To reduce any friction in your organisation and enable your teams to work effectively, you need to confront issues directly. Even more so, you need to create an environment for healthy conflict resolution under your supervision, ensuring respect for everyone. The better you become at resolving unpleasant issues, the easier it will become for your teams to prevent conflict.

Over to You

The organisational effectiveness of your business depends on so many moving pieces. From your employees’ satisfaction levels, all the way to industry trends and market fluctuations. However, your leadership skills are the key piece of the puzzle when it comes to retaining your organisational success. You are the role model for your team leaders. You set the example for all your employees to handle their own daily challenges.

Every leader knows that you don’t become a leader by trade or vocation, but by constantly investing in the right areas of your development. By embracing this mindset of constant growth, you can help your company become more profitable. In the process, it will become more productive, and your employees unified under your firm, but fair leadership.

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