Influencing Skills Training Course

Training Course Overview

Do you want to significantly increase the influencing skills you and your team have? This training course will give you the required skills.

Many of us fail to influence because we don’t realise it takes a skill to do so. It is not an inborn talent. While some take to it like fish to water, the majority of us must work hard to learn and develop it. This Influencing Skills training supports Learners to get more of what they need in a positive way.

This training course will help Learners to better influence buyers, NPD teams, and supply chain teams by harnessing interpersonal and communication skills. It will give them tools, techniques, and confidence to better deal with situations where effective persuasion skills are essential. Thus, leading to improvements in individual performance, and winning more negotiations for the business. After all, that multi-million-pound deal is too important to jeopardise by not influencing enough or using the wrong approach.

Purple tin with influencing skills on label for MBM Influencing Skills course
Improve your Influencing Skills with our training course

Learning Objectives

By the end of this Influencing Skills training course, the Learner will be able to:

  • Use a variety of tools, including positive self-talk and visualisation, to strengthen self-awareness and inner confidence.
  • Demonstrate body language that is congruent with the message that they wish to send.
  • Read and recognise what might lie behind the body language used by others and use this positively to enhance relationships.
  • Demonstrate a range of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) techniques, including mirroring and matching, to create and strengthen rapport with others.
  • Demonstrate the skills of an assertive approach to influencing, depending on the situation.
What are influencing skills? Find out more in our Ultimate Guide to Influencing Skills.

Available for Face to Face / Online Delivery / In House / Open House

Contact us to find out more:

Collage of 9 people on an MBM virtual training course
MBM training courses are also available for virtual delivery

“MBM understood our challenges because they are accredited professionals from our industry.”

“The chain of evidence meant I understood the individual ROI from the training.”

“Their learning techniques made it stick for the long term, giving continuing improvements.”

Reasons to Believe in Influencing Skills Training Course

We believe that people have the right to be the best version of themselves.

For our Influencing Skills Training Course, we use a number of models that over time have proved their worth; one example is the Trust Equation. This model helps you understand the key components to what builds trust, helping you to understand why you have greater trust with some people than others.

Our training will help you understand and identify how you can improve the components of the Trust Equation, thus improving your own trust which is in turn key to being able to influence people effectively.

What Learners Say About Our Influencing Skills Training Course

“Influencing with Impact has helped me to understand how my body language and mannerisms communicate subconscious messages to my audience, what I needed to control, and the simple ways to be more influential. I thoroughly enjoyed this course and came out with various approaches to improving my deliverance and influencing impact, which I put into practice immediately.”

Carol Ford
AC Goatham & Son

Achieving Real Behavioural Change with ‘Sticky Learning ®’

Sticky Learning ® is our own unique learning method. Developed over the last 18 years. Most Learners attend 1-day training courses and do nothing afterwards. HR Managers & L&D Managers told us that this was unacceptable.

Sticky Learning ® helps Learners to Realise more of what they have learnt. To help them to Recall more of what they have learnt. Plus, Retain more of what they have learnt. The 3 R’s.

Sticky Learning ® enables us to proudly guarantee that if a Learner is not still using their new skill 5 months later, we will give you your money back. This is our money-back guarantee.

MBM Sticky Learning logo with purple brain icon
Let's you really learn

Measuring Your ROI

We evaluate your training on 5 levels, see below, and summarise these into a pack called the ‘Chain of Evidence’.

  • Level 1: Reaction (Feel) – What were the learners’ first impressions of the learning?
  • Level 2: Learning (Know) – How much did the learners learn?
  • Level 3: Behaviour (Do) – To what extent has the learning been used?
  • Level 4: Results (Numbers) –  How did the behaviour affect the results?
  • Level 5: Sponsor (Align) – What ‘observable change in performance’ has been achieved?

You can find out more about measuring your ROI in ‘About Us’.


Find out how you can achieve behavioural change and have 5-level training evaluation reports – Click on the image below:

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Purple chain of evidence icon
Evaluates your training on 5 levels

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