Training Needs Analysis

Identify the Training that Your Team Needs to Achieve Their KPI’s

Find Out About Our Training Needs Analysis:

Indeed, you know that your team performs ok. However, you also know that if they were to improve some of their skills, even more could be achieved. You just don’t know where to start. In this case, a Training Needs Analysis is the answer.

The objective of the Training Needs Analysis is to identify the needs of your people. As a result of understanding the gaps in the performance of your people versus the KPIs & objectives of the business, we can start working together to close those gaps, altogether improving performance.

3 purple boxes depicting the 3 elements of Training Needs Analysis from MBM
Training Needs Analysis has three components

Three Parts of a Training Needs Analysis

There are 3 parts to achieving a successful Training Needs Analysis, aka a Learning Needs Analysis (LNA): Firstly the Stakeholder Meeting, then One-to-One Interviews, and finally an Online Survey.

Available for Face to Face / Online Delivery / In House / Open House

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Collage of 9 people on an MBM virtual training course
MBM training courses are also available for virtual delivery

“MBM understood our challenges because they are accredited professionals from our industry.”

“The chain of evidence meant I understood the individual ROI from the training.”

“Their learning techniques made it stick for the long term, giving continuing improvements.”

Stakeholder Meeting

The objectives of the Stakeholder meeting are to understand the expectations of the leadership team for their business & their people. Along side with putting in place a framework to conduct the Training Needs Analysis without affecting business as a result. The items to be discussed in the 2-hour Stakeholder Meeting are:

  • Scope
  • Benchmark skill capability
  • Background investigation
  • Business Plan
  • Values
  • Performance
  • Culture

The output of the Stakeholder Meetings is an understanding of the company’s goals, the expectations of the leadership from their people and an approach to achieve parts 2 and 3.

One-to-One Interviews

The objective of the 121 Interviews areto gain a deeper understanding of your business by speaking with a cross-section of your people. For the most part this takes 1 week to complete, in addition to a day of interviews in need of write-up. In short, the items that will be covered in the interview are:

  • Current challenges at work and with skills using our competency frameworks.
  • What would help you perform better?
  • Strength and weaknesses.
  • Describe the culture.
  • Ensuring we cover different teams, grades and locations.
  • Previous training.
  • Feelings about training.

The output is a breadth of understanding of the business, general development needs and attitudes towards a people development programme.

Achieving Real Behavioural Change with ‘Sticky Learning ®’

Sticky Learning ® is our own unique learning method. Developed over the last 18 years. Most Learners attend 1-day training courses and do nothing afterwards. HR Managers & L&D Managers told us that this was unacceptable.

Sticky Learning ® helps Learners to Realise more of what they have learnt. To help them to Recall more of what they have learnt. Plus, Retain more of what they have learnt. The 3 R’s.

Sticky Learning ® enables us to proudly guarantee that if a Learner is not still using their new skill 5 months later, we will give you your money back. This is our money-back guarantee.

MBM Sticky Learning logo with purple brain icon
Let's you really learn

Measuring Your ROI

We evaluate your training on 5 levels, see below, and summarise these into a pack called the ‘Chain of Evidence’.

  • Level 1: Reaction (Feel) – What were the learners’ first impressions of the learning?
  • Level 2: Learning (Know) – How much did the learners learn?
  • Level 3: Behaviour (Do) – To what extent has the learning been used?
  • Level 4: Results (Numbers) –  How did the behaviour affect the results?
  • Level 5: Sponsor (Align) – What ‘observable change in performance’ has been achieved?

You can find out more about measuring your ROI in ‘About Us’.


Find out how you can achieve behavioural change and have 5-level training evaluation reports – Click on the image below:

CTA banner with happy successful businesswoman and green button
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Purple chain of evidence icon
Evaluates your training on 5 levels

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