How to Give Your Category an MOT in 3 Steps with this Category Management Scorecard
Our Management Category Scorecard tool, ‘Give Your Category an MOT in 3 Steps’, is about enabling supermarket suppliers and supermarket buyers to understand how their category performs from a Category Management perspective.
For example:
- What does great look like for ‘Data into Insight’?
- This tool will help you find out.
- How good are you as a supermarket and you as a supplier, at Category Management?
- This tool will help you identify your current level.
- What do the best suppliers do?
- This tool will help you understand what the ‘best’ level looks like.
Download Our Free Category Management Scorecard:
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Using Your Category Management Scorecard
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Step 1: Where Is Your Category Now?
Start with Column 1 of the Category Management Scorecard MOT tool, ‘Optimising Range, Availability, and Promotions’. Identify which level your category is currently at. You cannot be at the higher levels unless you are doing everything in that higher level box. Repeat this for Columns 2 and 3. You have now identified at which level your category currently operates at, e.g. Level 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Step 2: Where Do You Want Your Category to Be?
Firstly, ask yourself, ‘What time-scale am I working to? For example, you may wish to say that your category will achieve the higher level within 6 months. You then might look to reach the level after that in 12 months, and so on. Start with column 1, ‘Optimising Range, Availability, and Promotions’. Identify at which level you wish this category to be operating at in, for example, in 6 months. Repeat this for Columns 2 and 3. You have now identified at which level you wish your category to operate at on a given time-scale.
Step 3: How Do You Get There?
The last step of your Category Management Scorecard MOT is the most challenging, particularly if you do not have the experience of delivering level 4 across a category. This tool helps you understand where you are. Moreover, it establishes where you wish to be. This then forms the basis of a plan.
Feel free to get in touch to find out how one of our Category Training can help you. Simply fill out the form below, and we will be happy to get back to you with further information.

Most Comprehensive Category Management Scorecard
The Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) scorecard was developed in conjunction with Sainsbury’s. It follows a similar approach to our Category MOT tool. A little more about the ECR scorecard – ‘A Capability Assessment Tool has been designed to give you a detailed understanding of your ECR capability and to highlight specific improvement opportunities for your company.
Download Our Free Category Management Guide
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