Develop your Presentation, Communication, Leadership and Many More Soft Skills With Our Top 10 TED Talk Videos.
Who are TED?
TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. Meanwhile, independently run TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world.
1. Coaching Skills: Building Your Inner Coaching by Brett Ledbetter, TED Talks. (442,168 views)
Firstly, what separates players and people? Why do some people handle adversity better than others and achieve higher levels of success? In this TEDxYouth Talk, Brett tackles these questions by providing insights.

2. Communication Skills: The Power of Communication by Nina Legath, TED Talks. (53,147 views)
Secondly, Nina discusses the importance of communication in the workplace and underlines the necessity of knowing how to communicate efficiently, in order to thrive in the working world.

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3. Conflict Resolution: 3 Ways to Resolve Conflict by Dorothy Walker, TED Talks.(110,788 views)
Anybody can help resolve a conflict, says project manager Dorothy Walker. With three simple steps, she shares how you can use positive energy to solve conflicts between friends, coworkers, strangers, kids and beyond.

4. Influencing Skills: What Makes Us Influential by Jon Levy, TED Talks. (30,513 views)
Jon Levy, a behavioral scientist who studies human activity, seeks to understand the power of influence in today’s connected world. In this talk, Levy shares how he personally connects some of the world’s most influential people, by simply inviting them to a dinner party.

5. Leadership Skills: How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek, TED Talks.(59,022,972 views)
Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership — starting with a golden circle and the question: “Why?” His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Wright brothers …

6. Negotiation Skills: 3 Steps to Getting What You Want in a Negotiation by Ruchi Sinha, TED Talks.(2,435,118 views)

7. People Management Skills: How to Tell a Leader From a Manager by Ruth Milligan, TED Talks. (15,780 views)
Ruth Milligan founded TEDxColumbus in 2009 and in 2018 she retired from being its organizer. In this 2019 talk, she reflects on what she learned from curating and coaching 10 years of talks, coupled with her lifetime of professional observations of those who work to influence and persuade through public speaking.

8. Presentation Skills: The 3 Magic Ingredients of Amazing Presentations by Phil Waknell, TED Talks. (388,034 views)
Why are most presentations so boring and ineffective? And why are TED talks the exceptions that prove the rule? Over the last ten years, as a specialist in high-impact presentations, Phil Waknell has saved thousands of audiences from a painful death by boredom or bullet points. During this short and entertaining talk, he distils all this experience into the three magic ingredients of successful presentations and shares a simple but powerful technique to firstly, understand your real objectives, secondly, work out what to say to achieve them, and finally formulate those ideas into a compelling narrative. No magic wand is required! However, after watching this talk, you’ll never think of presentations the same way again…

9. Team Building Skills: How to Turn a Group of Strangers Into a Team by Amy Edmondson, TED Talks. (2,936,682 views)
Business school professor Amy Edmondson studies “teaming,” where people come together quickly (and often temporarily) to solve new, urgent or unusual problems. Edmondson shares the elements needed to turn a group of strangers into a quick-thinking team that can nimbly respond to challenges.

10. Time Management Skills: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen, TED Talks. (2,751,355 views)
Finally, David Allen, the author of the bestselling Getting Things Done, is widely recognized as the world’s leading authority on personal and organizational productivity.

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