Assess. Prioritise. Focus
These are the 3 things that we all want to do. Specifically, the 3 things that you want from a daily planner. And also the 3 things that the Be Your Eagle Daily Planner has.
We finally launched a daily planner with a twist. That is, we’ve moved away from the glorified to-do lists and have created a planner that achieves real behavioural change.
The Be Your Eagle Daily Planner will achieve a +1% productivity increase for you every single week. This will equate to a +24% productivity increase over 6 months.
3 Time Management Techniques
All in all, the key to this planner is the reinforcement of 3 key time management techniques:
Throughout the planner, you learn, recall, use, track and coach these 3 techniques, which allows you to cement the learning and achieve time management behavioural change.
1. Eisenhower’s Matrix
Firstly, Eisenhower’s Matrix allows you to assess your to-do list by filling in the Matrix every day based on which of your tasks are urgent and important, and which are not. So this allows you to become aware of which tasks are high priority, and which you were spending time on but were perhaps neither urgent nor important.

Our video below explains the origins of the technique and how it can help you overcome issues of assessment.

2. Eat That Frog
Now our second famous technique, Eat That Frog, is from Mark Twain who suggested that if your job involved eating a frog, you’d want to get that task out of the way first. And if your job involved eating two frogs, then you’d want to eat the biggest first.

So the idea is that you start your day with the most challenging task, and then the endorphins from getting that big task done, propel you to complete the rest of your tasks.

Sticky Learning ® is 7 times more effective than 1-day training courses. Plus, you will get a Chain of Evidence proving your Return on Investment. Discover soft skills training that changes behaviours long term.

3. Cabbage Butterfly
Now this technique follows the idea that cabbage butterflies fly from cabbage to cabbage, creating holes all over the patch but never finishing a cabbage. Unfortunately, this is what we do at work – flit from task to task, never fully completing anything.

Moreover, the Cabbage Butterfly technique helps you to stay focused and complete a task from start to end.

Why An Eagle?
Now, you might be asking yourself, ‘Why an Eagle?’. Well, allow us to explain…
Once upon a time, on a large mountainside, there was an eagle nest with 4 large eagle eggs inside.
One day, an earthquake rocked the mountain causing one of the eagle’s eggs to roll down to a chicken farm, located in the valley below.The chickens took care of the egg and sat on it to keep it warm. Eventually, the eagle egg hatched, and a beautiful eagle was born.
Being chickens, they raised the eagle to be like a chicken. The eagle thought she was a chicken and so she acted just like a chicken. Chickens like to live on the land and do not soar high up in the sky like eagles do. The eagle learned to imitate the chickens. She scratched the ground looking for grubs and worms.
She thought she was a chicken. The eagle loved her home and her family but her spirit cried out for more. One day, the eagle looked to the skies above and noticed a group of mighty eagles soaring in the sky. The eagle looked up and said, “What kind of animal is that? How graceful, powerful, and free it is.”

Then she asked another chicken, “What is that?”. The chicken replied, “Oh that is an eagle but don’t worry yourself about that. You will never be able to fly like that.” “Oh,” the eagle cried, “I wish I could soar like those birds.”
The chickens roared with laughter, “You cannot soar. You are a chicken and chickens do not soar.” The eagle continued staring at the eagles up above, dreaming that she could be like them.Then the eagle went back to scratching the ground looking for grubs and worms to fit in with the other chickens. She continued to behave like the chicken she thought she was. Days went by and, the eagle stopped dreaming about becoming an eagle and continued to live her life as a chicken.
Finally, after a long life living as a chicken, the eagle passed away. She never knew the grand life that she could have had.
You become what you believe you are, so aim high and be all that you can be. Dream to become an eagle and follow those dreams. Don’t listen to people like the chickens.
Now here is a sneak peek of the Today’s Goals page to spark that excitement! Note that this is the page that you will use most frequently and will be instrumental in your behavioural change.
Today’s Thermals
So you may have spotted on the Today’s Goals page, a box entitled ‘Today’s Thermal’. Each ‘Today’s Thermal’ offers a tip or small action to take your behavioural change even further. Note that when warm air rises, a thermal is formed, which carries the eagle effortlessly high. So this is what your Today’s Thermal does for you, carries you effortlessly high.
Why Choose ‘Be Your Eagle’?
#1. Productivity Increase
Firstly, the Be Your Eagle planner achieves a +1% productivity increase every week. This means you will achieve a productivity increase of +24% across 6 months.
#2. Continuous Support
Secondly, we are the only planner to offer support from checkout to the last page. Our LinkedIn Community provides a like-minded group to share milestones with, ask questions, and support each other.
Alongside this, we have 7 ‘How to’ videos that show best practices on how to fill in your planner, and 11 Behavioural Change Tools that will further your learning and increase productivity.
#3. Trainers First
Additionally, unlike the producers of many other planners, we are time management trainers first rather than printers first. And this gives us the advantage of understanding how to achieve time management behavioural change.
Design Features
- 120gsm no-bleed, acid-free cream paper
- Pen loop
- Elastic strap
- Back pocket
- Hardcover
- Rounded corners
- 3 ribbon bookmarks
- 180-degree lay-flat pages
- And designed in Great Britain

The Eagle Family
Now if you thought the daily planner was the extent of the Eagle, then think again! Whilst the daily planner is our crown jewel, we will also be offering:
- Be Your Eagle Coaching Cards
- Soar with the Eagles Training Course
- Branded Eagle Daily Planner
- And 1-2-1 Planner Training
1. Be Your Eagle Coaching Cards
Firstly, the coaching cards sit alongside the other 32 decks in our coaching card range. The Be Your Eagle deck combines time management techniques and the G.R.O.W. method to enable line managers to coach their team on being able to Assess, Prioritise, and Focus.
2. Soar with the Eagles Training Course
Not surprisingly, this training course follows our Sticky Learning method, to ensure long-term retention of the learning. Also, it focuses on time management and increasing your productivity by +1% every week.
3. Branded Eagle Daily Planner
The branded planner enables companies to add their logo to the front of the Be Your Eagle Daily Planner. So this highlights to their team that they are investing in the company’s personal growth, and shows a togetherness of the wider brand.
4. 1-2-1 Planner Training
Even more, to get the most out of your daily planner we are also offering 1-2-1 training with the author of the planner, Darren A. Smith.
Get Your Be Your Eagle Planner Today!

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Check Out Our Eagle Videos
Head over to our YouTube channel to our Be Your Eagle playlist that includes the 7 How To videos, marketing videos, and supporting explanation videos to answer all your questions!