Increase Your Productivity by +1% Every Single Week
First things first, let’s answer the obvious questions about the Be Your Eagle Daily Planner…
This planner is for every overwhelmed businessperson who wants to assess, prioritise & focus on their goals. For everyone who wants to increase their productivity by +1% every single week. Great for colleague gifts.
This planner uses 5 stages to change time management behaviours. By using the productivity power habits you can increase productivity by +24%, stay focused & achieve your goals. It includes daily time blocking, Eisenhower’s Matrix, habit tracking & monthly goals.
The Be Your Eagle Daily Planner is for 6 months & is to be used everyday. There are monthly and daily pages to aid time management, set goals & get organised.
The 3 things people want from a planner is to be able to assess, prioritise & focus. You can achieve this in 180 days through Eisenhower’s Matrix, Eat That Frog & Cabbage Butterfly.
The 5-stage process of; learn, recall, use, track & coach cements behavioural change enabling you to stop procrastinating & gives a productivity boost to hit your goals.
Why an Eagle?
It comes from an African fable…
Once upon a time, an eagle egg fell from its nest and landed amongst a chicken farm. The chickens raised the eagle as a chicken and the eagle spent the rest of her life scratching the ground for worms and believing she couldn’t fly. She believed she was a chicken and so never reached her full potential as an eagle.
Don’t be like the chickens. Soar with the Eagles.
Why Be Your Eagle?
This is not a glorified to do list or notebook, it’s a productivity tool that will help you to Assess, Prioritise, and Focus using the 3 productivity power habits; Eisenhower’s Matrix, Eat That Frog, and Cabbage Butterfly. These are the 3 keys to increasing your produtivity by +1% every single week. And, there’s also all of this…

Be Your Eagle Daily Planner External Features
- Thick 120 gsm no bleed cream paper.
- Printed with soy ink.
- 60% handmade
- Designed in the UK.
- Rounded corners.
- 3 silk ribbon bookmarks.
- Pen loop.
- Elastic closure.
- Premium gift box.
- Hardback cover.
- Feather edge painting.
- 2 internal pockets.
Be Your Eagle Daily Planner Internal Features
- Support: LinkedIn Group, Micro Learning Program, How-to Videos & Behavioural Change Tools.
- Pocket: Internal front pocket for you to add a picture of your motivation.
- 5 week months: Enough pages for any month, so that you always have the space you need.
- Habit tracker icons: Our time management icons appear on your Today’s Goals page & the Habit Tracker so you can keep up to date with your progress.

How-to Videos & Behavioural Change Tools
Our support goes beyond when you check out. Our how-to videos show you the best practice for each section of your planner to ensure you’re maximising your productivity. Furthermore, we have 11 Behavioural Change Tools, each with a different time management model to further your learning and increase your time management skills.
Much More Than a Planner
As you’ve hopefully noticed, the Be Your Eagle Daily Planner is no ordinary planner. To achieve your +24% productivity increase goal, you need to change your behaviours. To change your behaviours, there is a foundation to be built, which starts with your Micro Learning Program. This is not a glorified to-do list or simply a lined notebook, it has the powe to achieve real heavioural change, if you commit.
Be Your Eagle Coaching Cards
Grab the Be Your Eagle Coaching Cards and begin coaching your team through imporoving their productivity with the help of their planner. These two productivity tools work together to elicit the very best from you and your team.