The Best Self Help Books For You
In this article, you can find our recommendations for the Best Self Help Books. Those books that we recognise as being the best for supporting personal development (Just click on the book cover to take you to Amazon to buy the book).
Eat That Frog!
Recommended because if you procrastinate, put things off, or just cannot seem to ‘get at the big stuff’, this will help. Our Time Management Learners have found it a big help because it is a short book with a simple metaphor for helping you to prioritise.
Plus, a ton of other useful hints and tricks for stopping procrastinating.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The audio version became the first non-fiction audio book in U.S. publishing history to sell more than one million copies. Recommended because it will help you focus on a few winning strategies.

Managing with Carrots
Recommended because it provides an interesting and very useful different insight into People Management.

Sticky Learning ® is 7 times more effective than 1-day training courses. Plus, you will get a Chain of Evidence proving your Return on Investment. Discover soft skills training that changes behaviours long term.

Networking for Life
Recommended because it is written by the Chairman of Ecademy. An online company that founded business networking online before Linkedin was up and running. Test your Networking skill level by downloading our competency frameworks.

Bare Knuckle Negotiating
Recommended because Simon talks very straight about what negotiating is and isn’t. The Learners in our Negotiation Sills Training love this book because it cuts through the business language of negotiation as we do.

How to Win Friends and Influence People
Recommended because it was one of the first self-help books ever written and has sold over 30 million copies. A must for anyone wishing to improve their influencing skills.

Groceries Supply Code of Practice
Recommended because if you work in the UK Grocery industry you need to know the rules. The author describes GSCOP as the off-side rule – It’s ok to not know it unless you’re playing the game.

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Recommended because the key business challenges are written as a story that helps us to understand healthy conflict, the constraints of teamwork, and putting up with artificial harmony.

Leadership and the One Minute Manager
Recommended because it takes the mystery of being a leader and makes it very easy to understand what you need to do to be a great leader with great leadership skills.

Made To Stick

Recommended because this book shatters the way we think about making an idea, a pitch, a presentation, a sale, stick with someone. The authors, Chip and Dan, share a great example of a Shark Association sharing that sharks aren’t as dangerous as everyone believes. They fail. Chip and Dan then arrive offer a sticky solution – ‘Which of these animals is more likely to kill you? Shark? Deer? The answer is that you are twelve times more likely to be killed by a deer (Hitting your car).’
Essentially a book on statistics, it cuts to the truth of many issues to allow a clearer picture of the world. Bill Gates describes this as ‘One of the most important books I’ve ever read’. He liked it so much he decided to give it to every graduating U.S. college or university student in Spring 2018.