We are the soft skills training provider, partnering with clients who want to make their training ‘Stick.’
Our clients choose us because we achieve behavioural change through our unique training method, Sticky Learning ®.
Category Management Skills Training Programme

Learn to; 1. Identify more category opportunities, 2. Sell more category opportunities, and 3. Land more category opportunities.
Negotiations Skills Training Programme

Learn to overcome the 3 most common negotiation challenges; negotiation preparation, confidence when negotiating, and managing conflict.
Presentation Skills Training Programme

Slides are often not the answer. You are the presentation. Learn how to engage an audience by being the very best presenting version of yourself.

I kept telling people how much I loved it”
She did a presentation using some of her learnings – “I felt really good afterwards, because so many people came up to me and said that was the best bit of the day-we loved that. I was in the office the other day and I had just such nice feedback.”
BRAND MANAGER – Grace Anthony of Aston Manor Cider
50% of Training is not Evaluated Beyond Level 1 (CIPD Annual Survey)
Level 1 – Reaction is used 77%
Level 2 – Learning is used 36%
Level 3 – Behaviour is used 15%
Level 4 – Results are used only 8% of the time
We Evaluate Your Training on 4 Levels.

…still using some of the techniques today.”
“It is the only training course that has really stayed with me… The negotiation course was second to none. I am still using some of the techniques today.”
UK SENIOR NAM – Richard Ellett of Seatriever

…empowers me to critically challenge my own thinking.”
“Working with Darren has been a game-changer for me. He has an incredible ability to help me recentre and find clarity, even in the midst of chaos. Through his open, thought-provoking questions, he doesn’t hand over answers but instead empowers me to critically challenge my own thinking…”
FOUNDER – Asha Bhalsod of Etopia Consultancy LTD

…the negotiation examples work in practice.”
“The courses take you out of your comfort zone and slowly put you back in, making the journey tough but worthwhile, especially when you get that lightbulb moment and the negotiation examples work in practice.”
COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR – Kim Matthews of O’Brien Fine Foods